Few words about JMarinas
- Do you work with harbors and you want to help jmarinas get better? Participate to our questionnaire!
To develop a tool for evaluating small turistic port vulnerability.
In a second step we will produce a port management tool as much user friendly as we can make it.
Read more about jmarinas...
Current Release jmarinas alpha version
What's new?
- export data in numeric format
- evaluated weight in variables
- simple tool for evaluate bathymetry
- ...a lot of new bugs!
Verify that you have the Java VM (most likely you already have it on your pc). If not download it from SUN.
To install and use jmarinas:
- download jmarinas alpha version
- unpack .zip file
- double click jmarinas.jar
- or type 'java -jar jmarinas.jar' on your shell
Current Release Screenshots
- Mask for evaluate Tortuosity.
- Mask for chemical sources.
- Mask for total sources.
- Mask for source's from outside (chemical and distrofic).
- Mask for give a mesure of bathimetry.
- Total portuality risk.
User manual
A big work in progress. As soon as possible it will be available in English and Italian. For now you can refer to the page Documentation