quick-use manual for jmarinas


jmarinas does not need to be installed. All you need is to have a JVM installed on your machine. After you have downloaded the file and saved in a directory at your convenience, on UNIX / LINUX systems just open a shell and type:
#java -jar jmarinas-xxx.jar

On Windows you can double click the .jar file.

Using jmarinas is relatively simple, yet you have to be somewhat careful: not being a commercial product, jmarinas misses all the wizards and gadgets we are used to find in commercial products!


jmarinas input is done via a graphical interface which overlays a map, so you need first of all to open a map of the harbour to analyze. The map can be of any graphic format (.gif).
This is done using the top-most menu "importa mappa".

Make attention that the map should be of the right size. Too big maps will be out of the window, too small will be difficult to manage. You probably know how to resize your maps with your favourite graphical software.

You can make the map more clear by adding a white layer: "Schiarisci" on the upper menu.
Now that you have a map to work with, you can input the data for jmarinas to do its calculations.

Each of the next operations MUST be done in the order described in the following: the menu on the left pane of jmarinas should be sequentially followed from the top to the bottom. Each menu item activates a "layer" on which you will input the relevant data (if any, in fact if you have no data for a given layer you can skip it).

My Master Thesis (Again)

jmarinas has been developed as part of my master thesis at the University of Genova. I worked on this project with Doc.Paolo Vassallo and Prof.Mauro Fabiano.
A copy of my thesis in Italian can be downloaded ad .pdf (35 Mb). A big part of this work deals on the models itself, while the other big is about the validation process. The last part is about harbor ecology.