quick-use manual for jmarinas
jmarinas does not need to be installed. All you need is to have a JVM installed on your machine. After you have downloaded the file and saved in a directory at your convenience, on UNIX / LINUX systems just open a shell and type:
#java -jar jmarinas-xxx.jar
On Windows you can double click the .jar file.
jmarinas input is done via a graphical interface which overlays a map, so you need first of all to open a map of the harbour to analyze. The map can be of any graphic format (.gif).This is done using the top-most menu "importa mappa".
Make attention that the map should be of the right size. Too big maps will be out of the window, too small will be difficult to manage. You probably know how to resize your maps with your favourite graphical software.
You can make the map more clear by adding a white layer: "Schiarisci" on the upper menu.
Now that you have a map to work with, you can input the data for jmarinas to do its calculations.
Each of the next operations MUST be done in the order described in the following: the menu on the left pane of jmarinas should be sequentially followed from the top to the bottom. Each menu item activates a "layer" on which you will input the relevant data (if any, in fact if you have no data for a given layer you can skip it).
Boundary Layer
Add a polygonal path describing the overall shape of the harbour by clicking each vertex with the mouse. A closed red line will appear. After that, add a prevalent wind direction choosing an intensity with the menu. After all press "Fatto/Done".
A blue box should appear around the path.
If something goes wrong "Annulla/Cancel" all. You cannot edit your work, you can just delete it and restart the work on the layer (This applies to all the layers). -
Internal Sources Layer
Add all of the internal waste sources choosing on the contextual menu on the right the nature of the source. Assign to each source an intensity using the popup menu (right click on your mouse).
Use your scientific sense to assign to sources values that respect the proportionality between each waste intensity and volume.
When finished press "Fatto/Done".
A gradient red/blue/yellow surface should appear surrounding the sources.
If something goes wrong "Annulla/Cancel" all. Remember that you cannot edit your work, you can just delete it. -
External Sources Layer
Add each harbour mouth making a line over the polygonal path describing the harbour: do this by clicking once over the polygonal path to identify one end of the harbour mouth and again in another point to mark the other end.
After each mouth is defined, a popup menu will ask you the intensity of the outer waste. Consider the proportionality with the inner sources.
After all press "Fatto/Done".
A gradient red/blue/yellow should appear around the mouth.
If something goes wrong pressing the "Annulla/Cancel" button will clean the work done in this layer. -
Tortuosity Layer
Draw all the wharf with the mouse and choose, before drawing the wharf, its type from the contextual menu on the right.
After you inserted all wharfs press "Fatto/Done".
A gradient red should appear in the port around the wharf.
Is something goes wrong press "Annulla/Cancel" to start again working on this layer. -
Bathymetry Layer
Add a summary description of the port's bathymetry by adding some depth values with a click of the mouse on locations inside the harbour.
The model will construct a circle bathymetry centered around the points you have input, so try not to cluster points too closely, and generally it is better to avoid assigning new bathymetry levels inside an already defined bathymetric circle, or the model may have some problem.
You can chose if there is a thermal stratification from the contextual menu.
After all press "Fatto/Done".
A gradient black should appear in the port around the first point respecting the bathymetry.
Use "Annulla/Cancel" to clear the data if wrong.
Portuality Layer
After all, you can calculate the interaction between all the layers. Just press "Fatto/Calcola" and choose the scale of elaboration that you prefer.
Four layers will be calculated, one for each pollution source and one with the sum of all the sources, that is a global evaluation of how much the port is at risk of being polluted.
Vulnerability Layer
You can calculate an index of vulnerability adding some specific information about the harbor's usage.
This index can be used for the comparison of different ports.
My Master Thesis (Again)
jmarinas has been developed as part of my master thesis at the University of Genova. I worked on this project with Doc.Paolo Vassallo and Prof.Mauro Fabiano.
A copy of my thesis in Italian can be downloaded ad .pdf (35 Mb).
A big part of this work deals on the models itself, while the other big is about the validation process. The last part is about harbor ecology.